Congratulations to Heng-Yong Nie, SSW’s resident Tof-SIMS expert, on his recent coauthored Nature Communications publication. In this publication, the discharge products of all-solid-state Li-S batteries were probed using various spectroscopic techniques, with the intentions of designing a feasible strategy to improve their performance. Heng-Yong helped by determining the levels of Li2S2 relative to Li2S in the charge-discharge cycled all-solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries.
Going forward, we expect that ToF-SIMS will be applied to more solid-state battery research and development projects, as it is a proven surface-sensitive technique.

You can read this paper here:
Manipulating Li2S2/Li2S mixed discharge products of all-solid-state lithium sulfur batteries for improved cycle life, Kim, J.T., Rao, A., Nie, HY. et al., Nat Commun (2023), 14, 6404.