With incredible features including: • Cold field emission (CFE) gun optimized for low-voltage, high-resolution imaging with low aberration • Maximum magnification doubled from 1 million times to 2 million times *2 • User-support functions to ensure high performance Contact us today for details and support!Read More
Our brand new Rigaku SmartLab X-ray Diffractometer has recently been installed and commissioned at Surface Science Western (SSW). This versatile instrument is capable of analyzing powder samples, solid metal samples, and thin films. The In-Plane diffraction attachment allows the measurement of structural factors and reciprocal space maps from ultra thin...Read More
Our brand new Xradia 410 Versa X-ray microscope is being installed and commissioned at Surface Science Western (SSW). This instrument enables non-destructive 3-D imaging (4-D with time-based measurements) of materials with a spatial resolution of 0.9 µm and a minimum voxel size of 100 nm at larger working distances. Advanced...Read More
Our brand new PHI Field Emission Scanning Auger Microprobe (FESAM) is up and running and ready for work! This instrument was procured using the funding from Canadian Foundation For Innovation granted to Professor David Shoesmith. This instrument is capable of achieving 4 nm spatial resolution for imaging and 8 nm...Read More
Congratulations to SSW member and Dept. of Chemistry Professor Jamie Noël on winning the 2019 ECS Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award. The ECS Canada Section has four awards within the recognition program. The Canada Section R.C. Jacobsen Award was established in 1986 to recognize notable and significant contributions to the...Read More
Congratulations to Mr. Jeff Henderson, PhD candidate from the Department of Chemistry at Western University, winner of the 2018 Dr. N. Stewart McIntyre Award in Surface Science. Working under the supervision of Dr. Jamie Noël and Dr. David Shoesmith, Jeff’s research focuses on the role of alloying elements on the...Read More
One of our very own Research Scientists, Ms. Becky Sarazen, attended the 2nd Biennial Inspiring Young Women in STEM Conference on March 4, 2018. “I was honored to be a part of the industry fair at the 2nd Biennial Inspiring Young Women in STEM 2018 Conference yesterday which aims to...Read More
SSW is please to announce the installation of a new Struers LaboPol-20/LaboForce-50. This system is used for professional semi-automatic materialographic and metallographic preparation (grinding and polishing of materials). Staff can use recipes employing varying grinding materials, polishing speeds and pressures that will allow for preparation of high quality sections of...Read More
In 2016, Surface Science Western celebrated 35 years of research in the surface sciences and service and support to industries. As part of the celebration we have worked with Surface and Interface Analysis for the last two years towards a special issue of a collection of 19 articles from authors...Read More
After almost 30 years with SSW, it is with mixed feelings that we announce the retirement of Suzanne Hicks, our Logistics and Administrative Assistant. Everyone will always remember the kindness, support, respect and extreme attention to detail that Suzanne has provided us over the years. The SSW family, students and...Read More