
SSW Team

We are using an FE-SEM equipped with an in-chamber nano-indentor to compress tiny pillars

With the in-chamber nano-indentor attachment, SSW staff along with engineer Konrad Mazurkiewicz, are squishing tiny micron sized pillars of metal inside of Dr. Moser’s (Earth Sciences) FE-SEM… live, while we watch! These are in-situ experiments that are actually occurring inside the SEM. Typically people just use the SEM to observe...
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Investigating a developing mouse skull using Micro-CT

Surface Science Western and Alyssa Moore (Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Western Ontario) are using Micro-CT to image and analyze the bones and cartilages of developing mouse skulls to better understand skull development in normal and disrupted conditions. Alyssa aims to compare normally developed mouse...
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We are excited to announce Dr. Thalia Standish received the 2021 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award!

Please read more on the Electrochemical Society website! “Congratulations to Thalia Standish of the University of Western Ontario for receiving the 2021 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award. Each year, the division recognizes and rewards outstanding graduate research in the field of corrosion science and/or engineering. Such early recognition...
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Surface Science Western’s 40th Anniversary!!!

40 years on and still thriving!!  From no cellphones and emails to the age of social media and instant messaging!!!!  Surface Science Western is celebrating 40th Anniversary of its establishment this year (started in 1981).  We have a very-well equipped and the state of the art analytical techniques in house,...
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Congratulations Sina Matin for winning the 2021 Stewart McIntyre Award!

Sina is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Chemistry at Western University. He is working under the supervision of Dr. Jamie Noël and his research has focused on the pitting probability of Cu under Deep Geological Repository (DGR) conditions. Cu has sufficient corrosion resistance in different environments such as...
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Surface Science Western Lab Tours!

Alan Shepard, President & Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Ontario and Shelly Tapp, Deputy Minister of Colleges and Universities visited Surface Science Western for a tour of our state-of-the-art instruments last week! Photo of Alan Shepard, Shelly Tapp and Brad Kobe.
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SSW is accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements!

Surface Science Western (SSW) is accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements. Our customers can be assured our testing and consulting services conform to this International Standard for calibration and testing laboratories. This accreditation identifies SSW as achieving the technical competence and management system requirements that guarantee the consistent integrity...
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Congratulations Gary Good on your retirement!

Gary Good, Operations Manager We are at once happy and sad to announce the retirement of our Operations and Quality Manager, Gary Good. He has been an outstanding addition for more than 33 years of service and a true inspiration for all of us. His contributions were integral to our...
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SSW Director Dr. Mark Biesinger Awarded Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials

SSW Director Dr. Mark Biesinger Congratulations to SSW Director Dr. Mark Biesinger on being awarded Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) in recognition of his years of work on the development of advanced X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques and his efforts in scientific communication within the XPS...
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CMC Microsystems Grants for Academics Doing Device Fabrication and Characterization

CMC Microsystems has for many years provided small grants to academic researchers to help cover device fabrication costs. They have recently announced that characterization costs, like those provided at Surface Science Western, can now also be covered using these grants. For more information see MNT Portal | CMC Microsystems.
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