CLSM for materials uses laser light (405 nm wavelength) and an adjustable aperture to optically produce thin (nm to um) focal slices to optically section a sample. The aperture (typically called a pinhole) rejects out-of-focus information, and only in-focus information is detected. By changing the distance between the sample and the objective lens, through finely controlled steps in the Z direction, and by scanning the laser in the X/Y direction, an image stack is created with each pixel of each slice containing intensity information about the investigated surface. The most intense pixels of the stack are combined to form a continuous surface.
The applications of the instrument cover roughness/waviness estimation, and step height measurements. By scanning an area or montaging together many areas, a three-dimensional topographic image of the surface can be produced, and two-dimensional profiles can be isolated from this for analysis.
Zeiss LSM800 For Materials
Zeiss Axio Imager.Z2m upright compound microscope
System Capabilities:
Selected Applications in Industry: